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Newsletter for January 2024

Welcome back – I hope everyone had an enjoyable break and Happy New Year. From the children talking to each other and to members of staff, I know that they all had a very exciting Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations.

Over the next few months, we will be looking closely at the weather and observing the changes outside. We will be talking about the clothes we need to wear to keep us warm and dry. We will also be finding the animals which live in the cold places around the world and those that hibernate too. We will be going on walks around the town to feel the weather changes and jump into puddles. (Don’t forget your wellies!)

Ella’s kitchen

Eat. Play. Love sensory food playtime truck will be visiting Banana Moon Croydon on Thursday 25th January 2024 for a Love campaign on early years nutrition. The children will have the chance to explore different fruits, vegetables and fun sensory games and activities! 
Our children will have the chance to play on the truck which is packed full of fun sensory games. The trainers will set up interactive sessions for the children in the rooms, this to get the children excited and interested in fruit & vegetables through fun, sensory play.
Important events 

We warmly welcome parents joining us in all aspects of nursery life. If you would like to read a story or sing songs with us during this week to celebrate storytelling week, please inform your child’s keyworker so we can book a session in for you. 
The children will be participating in various activities and experiences to learn about the Chinese New Year and the special celebrations. Throughout the week, the children will listen to various Chinese music and practice some of the special dances.

Online Safety

Always keep your children safe online. One of the best ways to keep your family safe online and to understand your children’s internet use is to use the internet together. Active engagement and conversations with your children are very important in helping to understand how they are using the internet. 
· Make sure that one of your New Year’s resolutions is to ensure that you have family internet rules for all members of your household. These rules need to clarify how the internet will be used at home and be clear about what information is safe to share online. 
· Make sure you know what your children are doing online, just like you would in “real” life and use parental controls (on computers, mobile phones and games consoles) to help you do this. Remember, though, that these cannot always be 100% effective and are not a substitute for observing what’s going on. 
· Find out more about keeping your child safe online by visiting sites such as the UK Safer Internet Centre.

Government childcare support 
From the 2nd January, if you are an eligible working parent with a child who turns two before 31st March, you can apply for 15 hours funded childcare per week to start in April 2024. You will be able to apply for your 15 hours by visiting the existing government application webpage. 
We highly recommend that you register for updates at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk and sign up for the newsletter which should provide you with all the information you need, including an eligibility checklist for 15- and 30-hours childcare funding and information regarding tax-free childcare for working families. 

Please follow us and like us on Instagram and Facebook. 

@BananaMoon - 1 year ago


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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 394 Whitestone Way

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